Mid-Atlantic Jeepers

Who/What are the
Mid-Atlantic Jeepers?

President's Message

MAJ Event Rules

Events Upcoming and Past

Member Rides

MAJ Sponsors

MAJ Meeting Minutes

Jeep of the Month


Tech Section

MAJ By-Laws

Membership Application

The Mid-Atlantic Jeepers
Sponsored Events and Trip Rules

A sponsored event is by definition an event in which the club formally recognizes the event as a club event, and the event is attended by at least one member of the Board of Directors (BOD). Formal recognition of an event will be established by a vote of the BOD.

Event Regulations:

Each event will have an assigned Trail Master. The BOD will assign the Trail Master in advance of each event. The Trail Master must know the trail(s) and be willing and able to lead the attendees over it (them). The Trail Master will lead the events always with safety in mind. The Trail Master will have ultimate decision making authority for "go/no-go" event decisions, unless a higher ranking officer is present at the event, in which case the officer has unilateral decision making authority. The Trail Master will be responsible for assigning Trail Guides for each trail run during an event. The Trail Guide must be familiar with the assigned trail(s) and be capable of leading members safely over the trail(s). Trail repair, rescue, and recovery of disabled vehicles is at the discretion of the Trail Guide/Trail Master and ranking officer in attendance. All event attendees will follow Trail Guide/Trail Master instructions at all times.

Events only consist of the off-road trail rides or other specially designated activities. The event begins at the time of the pre-run drivers meeting, and ends when the group returns to a designated point.

Each attendee is ultimately responsible for his or her own safety. Safety concerns should be brought up to the Trail Master or Trail Guide immediately.

Members who choose to bring a guest on an event are solely responsible for that guest. Should the Trail Master or Officer determine that any guest is posing a risk to safety, or simply to the enjoyment of the event itself, that guest may be asked to leave via host member escort.

All participants must be registered and defined as an attendee, i.e., either a member or guest. At no time will any other vehicle be allowed to join any event. The Trail Master and/or Officer will enforce this policy.

All occupants of a vehicle are required to wear seatbelts at all times while on the trail or road.

There will be at least one person 18 years of age or older in each vehicle at all times that is responsible for occupant safety of that vehicle.

No vehicle will be operated by anyone who is not properly licensed at any club event.

Attendees will notify the Trail Master/Trail Guide/Officer before leaving the group for any reason.

Attendees will adhere to the principles of Tread Lightly at all times. This includes the environment and the attendee's vehicle. Attendees will not put their vehicles at undue risk of damage that would potentially delay the progress of an event. The Trail Master/Trail Guide and/or Officer will monitor Tread Lightly principles, and failure to comply may result in an attendee being dismissed from an event and their membership reviewed for possible dismissal from the club.

Alcoholic beverages are prohibited while driving on or off-road. This includes consumption before an event. Failure to comply will result in dismissal from the event and possible termination of membership.

The use of illegal drugs is prohibited before or during any event. Possession or use of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia at any event will result in dismissal from the event and termination of membership.

Attendees will dispose of all trash in designated containers or haul it back out in their vehicle.

Firearms will not be exposed at any time, including in camp. Discharging of firearms is prohibited during all events.

No ATVs, motorcycles, or motorbikes allowed running in camp.

Attendees bringing pets must control them at all times.

Profane language should be used with discretion.

Any portion of these rules maybe waived by the Board of Directors.

Required Vehicle Equipment

All vehicles must be in good/legal working order and have the following equipment on club sponsored events:

  • Legally required auto insurance
  • Fire extinguisher
  • First Aid Kit
  • Tow Strap/Rope or Winch
  • Safety Belts for all occupants
  • Full sized spare tire, jack, and lug wrench
  • Tow hooks front and rear (or other suitable attaching point)

Some trails scheduled for an event may have further requirements in place at the discretion of the BOD or Trail Master. These requirements are in addition to the above requirements and are to be available at the request of the membership at any time before the event, but are subject to change up to the day of the event. Waivers to extra equipment requirements are required in advance from the Grievance Committee.

All vehicles are subject to inspection by the Trail Master, Trail Guide, or BOD member. Vehicles not meeting these requirements may be disqualified from the event. Failure to allow required inspection is grounds for immediate expulsion without refund or appeal.

Mid-Atlantic Jeepers
P.O. Box 2157
Glen Allen, VA 23058